Thanks For Supporting:

Autism Pensacola

This GroupRaise Meal Happened on Friday May 11, 2018

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Thanks for coming out and supporting Autism Pensacola's GroupRaise meal at Jason's Deli!
You raised $23.2 at your GroupRaise event!

Why We're Raising

Autism Pensacola’s Kids for Camp is a summer learning lab for individuals with autism. Autism Pensacola is a Florida 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving the families of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Since 2002, we have served individuals and families affected by autism as the leading connector and resource for autism support, advocacy, education and networking opportunities in the Pensacola Bay Area.
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Event Details

Jason's Deli
Friday May 11, 2018
1540 Airport Boulevard
Pensacola, FL
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Meal Talk

Who Ate

Attendance Goal: {{vm.goal}}
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVPs so far, {{vm.rsvpsToGoal()}} to go!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVP Goal is met!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} people RSVPed
  • {{}}
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