Thanks For Supporting:

Greenleaf Job Training Services

This GroupRaise Meal Happened on Tuesday September 24, 2024

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Thanks for coming out and supporting Greenleaf Job Training Services at City Barbeque!

$0 of $100 goal

Organizer: Aimie Rieder

Why We're Raising

Hello, My name is Aimie Rieder and I work at Greenleaf Job Training Services. We are a nonprofit that serves individuals in the Columbus area and Licking County who have developmental and physical disabilities. We specialize in employment services and help those individuals find and maintain employment. This would be a pretty casual event and the idea is to just have staff and their families come and celebrate with us. We have a pretty small staff, around 30 people, and then we also have less than 10 board members. We likely will not have every single person in attendance, but the ones that do attend will probably bring family members or friends.
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Event Details

City Barbeque
Tuesday September 24, 2024
1195 W Church St
Newark, OH
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Who Ate

Attendance Goal: {{vm.goal}}
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVPs so far, {{vm.rsvpsToGoal()}} to go!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVP Goal is met!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} people RSVPed
  • {{}}
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