Thanks For Supporting:

Resounding Joy

This GroupRaise Meal Happened on Monday October 3, 2022

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Thanks for coming out and supporting Resounding Joy's GroupRaise meal at Bar Louie!
You raised $244.69 at your GroupRaise event!

Why We're Raising

Resounding Joy enhances the human experience with therapeutic applications of music. We uplift individuals and families with challenging conditions, help them achieve their goals, and support health and wellness throughout the community. Our music therapists are highly-trained professionals, who after graduating with an approved degree in music therapy, complete a 1,200-hour internship and a challenging national board certification test. Music therapists’ education encompasses biology, psychology, and neurology, as well as training in voice, guitar, piano, percussion, and often other instruments to accommodate various evidence-based interventions. We offer our powerful and cost-effective music therapy services for children with medical and mental health diagnoses and their families; first responders, veterans, active duty military and their families; older adults with degenerative diagnoses and their families; and provide music-centered wellness experiences to promote health and happiness in the community.
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Event Details

Bar Louie
Monday October 3, 2022
1111 West Main Street
Carmel, IN
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Meal Talk

Who Ate

Attendance Goal: {{vm.goal}}
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVPs so far, {{vm.rsvpsToGoal()}} to go!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVP Goal is met!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} people RSVPed
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