Thanks For Supporting:

Littleton High School World Language Scholarship

This GroupRaise Meal Happened on Thursday April 8, 2021

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Thanks for coming out and supporting Littleton High School World Language Scholarship's GroupRaise meal at Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza!
You raised $241.05 at your GroupRaise event!

Why We're Raising

The Littleton High School World Language Book Bag Scholarship is given to a senior every year at graduation. The recipient of this scholarship demonstrates a continuing interest in studying world languages after high school and has been dedicated to learning a language while in high school. By supporting this fundraiser you are helping to promote global citizenship.
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Event Details

Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza
Thursday April 8, 2021
Donated Back

Meal Talk

Who Ate

Attendance Goal: {{vm.goal}}
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVPs so far, {{vm.rsvpsToGoal()}} to go!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} RSVP Goal is met!
{{vm.rsvpsCount()}} people RSVPed
  • {{}}
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