How to Kick Your Fundraising Game Up a Notch: The Garbanzo Mediterranean Fresh Fundraiser - GroupRaise

Are you tired of the same old fundraising events that don’t quite hit the mark? If so, it’s time to kick your fundraising game up a notch with the Garbanzo Mediterranean Fresh fundraiser. This exciting event allows you to enjoy delicious food and raise funds for your organization at the same time.


In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to make your Garbanzo fundraiser a huge success. From promoting your event to providing incentives for attendees, we’ll cover everything you need to know to take your fundraising game to the next level.


What is the Garbanzo Fundraiser?


The Garbanzo Mediterranean Fresh fundraiser is a unique opportunity for nonprofit organizations, schools, and churches to raise funds while enjoying delicious food and a fun atmosphere. During the event, a portion of the sales from customers who mention the organization’s name will be donated back to the organization.


food options at a Garbanzo fundraiser

Image from Garbanzo’s social media page


How to Plan a Successful Garbanzo Fundraiser


Planning a successful Garbanzo fundraiser requires a bit of preparation and organization. Here are the key steps to ensure your event is a success:


Set Your Goals


Before you start planning, it’s important to set clear goals for your event. How much money do you want to raise? What is the purpose of the event? Having clear goals will help you stay focused and make the most of your event.

Promote Your Event


Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to start promoting your event. Use social media, email, and other channels to spread the word and encourage people to attend. Don’t forget to create eye-catching graphics and flyers to grab people’s attention.


Learn more about promoting your event here


Create a Fun and Engaging Atmosphere


The key to a successful fundraiser is creating a fun and engaging atmosphere. Consider hosting a raffle or silent auction, playing music, or having special guests speak. The more engaging and enjoyable the event is, the more likely people are to attend and donate.


Make the Most of Your Event


During the event, be sure to make the most of your opportunity. Encourage attendees to post on social media and share their experience with others 


people eating at a Garbanzo fundraiser

Image by Alex Haney on Unsplash


The Perfect Fundraising Partnership


A Garbanzo Mediterranean Fresh fundraiser is a great way to raise funds for your organization while enjoying delicious food and a fun atmosphere. With a dedicated fundraising team to assist you and the option to customize your event, the Garbanzo fundraiser is the perfect fundraising partnership.


Remember to spread the word about your fundraiser through social media, flyers, and word of mouth to ensure a successful event. With the potential to earn up to 20% of sales and a variety of menu options to choose from, the Garbanzo fundraiser is an excellent opportunity to kick your fundraising game up a notch.


So what are you waiting for? Start planning your Garbanzo Mediterranean Fresh fundraiser today and see how much your organization can achieve with the support of your community and Garbanzo’s delicious food.