A Famous Dave's Fundraiser: How It Works - GroupRaise
What’s a Famous Dave’s fundraiser meal like?
Perfect smokin’ BBQ and brisket.
And made of the highest quality meats.
Finding the right fundraising venue is sometimes a big challenge.
This GroupRaise blog post lays out why a Famous Dave’s fundraiser is a comfortable solution.
Smokin’ Sandwiches and barbecue Ribs how you like it?
Famous Dave’s food is both succulent and high-quality.

That’s why GroupRaise and Famous Dave’s have partnered to make it easy for charities to make donation-producing events happen at this fantastic restaurant network.
One of these amazing restaurants could be near you! Just plug your zipcode on this page to see if there’s a Famous Dave’s spot in a location favorable to attendance.
A Famous Dave’s give back night attracts a variety of potential RSVPs
Famous Dave’s is a an american BBQ, offering meals that jive with these diets:
- Vegetarian options available
In addition, Famous Dave’s is affordable at an average meal price of $12.
All this is why you can bet your charity volunteer time that a Famous Dave’s restaurant will satisfy the hunger (and hearts, more on that in a second!) of all kinds of people who care about your cause.
Keep reading to learn how to schedule a fundraising event with Famous Dave’s!
Help others and help yourself to Georgia Chopped Pork at a Famous Dave’s restaurant fundraiser
It can be hard to believe that people could satiate a basic individual desire and contribute to a community at the same time.
But let’s be real, we’re all hungry and want to get stuff done.
The solution: individualism and altruism hold hands through GroupRaise.
By now you’re thinking, alright – but how does this process actually work?
For one thing, scheduling fundraisers on GroupRaise is very fast. You can set up a Famous Dave’s restaurant fundraiser in five minutes or less!
(Actually, you can do it in 1 minute. Watch this 1-minute clip to learn how!)
You can prepare a one-time event, or multiple Famous Dave’s fundraisers and program them at regular intervals.
Famous Dave’s restaurants are open at times that depend on location. But generally Famous Dave’s hours for fundraisers are 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Mon; Tue; Wed; Thu. Just pick your desired dates & times, and request your meal!
What’s more, neither Famous Dave’s or GroupRaise charges you a thing to schedule a fundraising meal. It’s totally free!
Be sure to secure at least 20 RSVPs, because then Famous Dave’s will generously donate back 15% of actual sales to your cause.
15% of sales from a fundraising meal is an excellent way to ensure that your cause has the resources that it needs to achieve its mission with ease. This is just another reason why a Famous Dave’s restaurant fundraiser is a smart choice.
After sending your request to Famous Dave’s, you’ll hear back within just 7 days.
Once your date is confirmed, get the word out to potential attendees. (Read below about all the ways that Famous Dave’s and GroupRaise will support your promotional efforts.) Then gather up those excited RSVPs and look forward to the meal!
Fundraising with Famous Dave’s is appetizing and fun
Fundraising with Famous Dave’s is an excellent experience for your charity team! They will love doing it and want to keep volunteering more.
This restaurant network has a great reputation. Getting RSVPs is easier when you tell people the event is at Famous Dave’s. They’ll be excited!
Volunteers will savor their Famous Dave’s fundraising experience. In-between munching on delicious food, they’ll work with professionals who know what they’re doing.

Experience is a plus no matter what, and when it comes to fundraising meals, Famous Dave’s has got it. They’re well-versed in hosting donation-producing events for all kinds of organizations.
Not only is Famous Dave’s fantastic as a fundraiser host, but partnering with them comes with custom promotional tools.
Your charity will have even greater ability to increase the RSVP count and support for your Famous Dave’s restaurant fundraiser.
Charities who choose Famous Dave’s receive, among other things:
- A tailored fundraising “meal” page to share with team members; and
- Tailored promotional tools to rack up RSVPs!
More on this in the next section.
But what if you have questions or hiccups along the way? No problem. GroupRaise maintains a dedicated support team and Help Center to keep you and the mission moving forward.
If any questions come up during your work with Famous Dave’s, you can comb our list of frequently asked questions at the GroupRaise Help Center. And if you don’t find what you’re looking for there, no worries. Our support team is happy and able to assist you in whatever way you need. Reach out whenever you need to by emailing info@groupraise.com. Your feedback is welcome too!
All in all, your Famous Dave’s fundraiser will be fun and help your charity get the donations that it needs. It only takes a moment to see if there’s a Famous Dave’s restaurant near you!
You can read this blog post to understand how GroupRaise fundraisers work generally.
Feel the excitement of attendees when you hand them a Famous Dave’s promo tool
Say you’ve got your date scheduled. Now you want to rack up those RSVPs. This is where our custom tools come in!
Check out this timeline:
- The moment Famous Dave’s accepts your request, you’ll receive: The Online Meal Promotion Page (picture below). It’s created automatically with all event details included. Use it to collect RSVPs.
- Three weeks ahead of your Famous Dave’s fundraiser, you will get information to make a Facebook event with key meal details plus a custom image for your Facebook event banner.
- Two weeks before the meal you’ll receive a Famous Dave’s fundraising flyer that’s been customized to your particular charity and meal. Plus, we’ll suggest a personalized, promotional timeline and notify you of some more marketing tools we’ll send over in the next two weeks.
- Ten days out you’ll have a forwardable email to circulate.
- One week out we’ll send a personalized social media video and suggest captions.
- The day before we’ll hand you a digital flyer and draft text message to remind RSVPs about the delicious meal you’re hosting.
- On event day you’ll be able to post a customized image to post as a story or reel on social media. And you’ll get another draft text message.
- Feel satisfied with attendance because you used these tools. And enjoy the meal!
Fundraising with Famous Dave’s is amazing
Flavorful food.
An experienced venue with a great reputation.
That’s Famous Dave’s!
Now we’ll sum things up, Q&A style.
Why have a Famous Dave’s restaurant fundraiser?
Famous Dave’s got the delicious part of your event covered. It will serve your guests the best BBQ America that are sure to satisfy them.
How does a Famous Dave’s fundraiser work?
Sign up in minutes; when confirmed, use custom promotional materials – including a Famous Dave’s fundraising flyer – to gather lots of RSVPs.
Enjoy the meal! And get 15% of sales donated back to your charity’s account on the same day.
What is the experience of fundraising with Famous Dave’s like?
Fun and appetizing! Famous Dave’s’s fundraising operation is fine-tuned. Your volunteers will love the food and working with people who know what they’re doing!
Why wait? You’re a few minutes away from looking forward to a Famous Dave’s fundraiser!
Enjoy the anticipation now
Don’t waste another second worrying about what venue to choose. Famous Dave’s is it. Visit the GroupRaise website to look over the Famous Dave’s calendar.